The latest firmware images for Openwrt & APRX have been uploaded in januari 2017. See the download section.
Ans see Google groups for more info….!forum/aprx-software

To install just the package, do as follows….
ssh into your machine (normally something like sss root@(ip-of-machine)
Then change into the tmp directory and execute:

/etc/init.d/aprx stop
chmod 755 aprx_2.9.0-Stable_brcm47xx.ipk
opkg install aprx_2.9.0-Stable_brcm47xx.ipk

In case the installer tells you that you have already the latest package, change the command into:
opkg install aprx_2.9.0-Stable_brcm47xx.ipk –force-download

You can test which version you are running:

type aprx -V from the prompt

currently on openwrt the version nummer is not correct but instead will show: 5.05-333-g160eb5d

/etc/init.d/aprx restart


Firmware request Openwrt & APRX

Please use this form to request a tailor made firmware for Openwrt & APRX, enabling you to setup your own iGate / Digipeater for APRS.

Your Name:*
Description of router and firmware requested:*
Type the characters you see here:

* Indicates required fields

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